Ritu ("Seasons" in English) is a Malayalam language movie directed by national award-winning filmmaker Shyamaprasad. It will be a 2009 production for the director of much acclaimed film Ore Kadal. The film's original screenplay is written by writer Joshua Newtonn. This is the first time Shyamaprasad has chosen to film an original screenplay. All of his previous films were adaptations of published novels or plays. The cast is all new faces. [courtesy-Wikipedia]
Directed by: Shyamaprasad
Produced by: Vachan Shetty
Written by: Joshua Newtonn
Music by: Rahul Raj
Nishan K P Nanaiah - Sarath Varma
Rima Kalingal - Varsha John
Asif Ali - Sunny Immaty
K.Govindankutty - Sarath's father
M.G.Sasi - Sarath's Brother
Download the malayalam movie Ritu [2009]. Good quality video [512x208] and audio. Just 300MB only! Easy to download from Mediafire. Splitted in to 10 parts each of 30MB by using HJSplit. Once downloading finished, can be joined with HJ-Split and enjoy the movie without interruption! Media Player Classic (K-Lite Codec Pack) or VLC Player are recommended for this file! Enjoy!!!